A beloved bandit

The world of Farinet

Our big-hearted outlaw, smuggler and counterfeiter "Farinet" sometimes called "The Robin Hood of the Alps". He decided to escape from his life of misery and started to sink and sell counterfeit money by distributing part of his production to the most destitute. Farinet will go to the end of his dreams, he who loved Life and Wine. Only boredom " Berne minted the same currency as him..."
P. Thurre

Come to Saillon in the footsteps of this mythical character.
Bed & Breakfast - Gite - Hotel - Accommodation - Saillon, Valais

Path of the stained glass windows

Discover the Life of Farinet through the stained glass path. It will lead you from the plain to the famous vineyard by passing through the streets of the village and will invite you to reflect on the great moments of Life.

Farinet's vineyard

The Smallest Cadastral Vine on Earth, proclaimed "Vine of Peace" by the Abbé Pierre and the Dalaï-Lama.

Every year personalities from all over the world come to work on it ceremoniously.
Bed & Breakfast - Gite - Hotel - Accommodation - Saillon, Valais
Bed & Breakfast - Gite - Hotel - Accommodation - Saillon, Valais

The Catwalk

This 97-metre suspension bridge will take you from one bank to the other at 136 metres above the Gorges de la Salentze where Farinet died.

You will discover a breathtaking panoramic view.

The Giant's head

Idyllic place where Gustave Courbet found his inspiration for his painting "La Caverne des Géants".

This site will plunge you into a fantastic world!
Bed & Breakfast - Gite - Hotel - Accommodation - Saillon, Valais

Sur les vignes

Si tu viens ici chercher l'extraordinaire, tu ne trouveras rien... il est au fond de toi

Multiple activities are to be discovered !

- Via Ferrata
- Thermal baths 1 km away
- The smallest land surveyed vineyards in the world
- Medieval performances and falconry
- Wine tasting and sampling of local produce
- Hiking
- Tourist trails
View over the medieval town of Saillon

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